*** All prices not include 13% HST
Beef / Veal
- Delivery and Slaughter $300 and up
- “Halal” slauthered add $50
- Processing, cutting, and wrapping in butcher paper $1.50/lb
- Processing, cutting, and vacuuming $2.50/lb
- Sausages and/or burgers $2.50/lb
Pig / Piglet
- Piglet (up to 50lb) delivery and slaughter $75
- Pig delivery, slaughter, processing, cutting, and wrapping in butcher paper $2/lb
- Pig delivery, slaughter, processing, cutting, and vacuuming $3/lb
- Sausages and burgers $2.50/lb
- Smoking: chops, hams, bacon, pepperettes $3/lb
Lamb / Goat
- Delivery and slaughter $100
- Delivery, slaughter, processing, cutting, and wrapping in butcher paper $150
- Delivery, slaughter, processing, cutting, and vacuuming $200
- “Halal ” slauthered add $25
Sheep / Ram
- Delivery and slaughter $125
- Delivery, slaughter, processing, cutting, and wrapping in butcher paper $175
- Delivery, slaughter, processing, cutting, and vacuuming $225
- “Halal ” slauthered add $25
Deer (Venison)
- Dressing, processing, cutting, and wrapping in butcher paper $150 and up
- Sausages/Burgers in butcher paper (we add 50% pork meat) $6/lb
- Pepperettes in vacuum sealed bags (we add 50% pork meat) $8/lb
Moose / Bear / Wild boar
- Dressing, processing, cutting, and wrapping in butcher paper $250 and up
- Sausages/Burgers in butcher paper ( we add 50% pork meat) $6/lb
- Pepperettes in vacuum sealed bags (we add 50% pork meat) $8/lb
Meat bird delivery, slaughter, and processing:
- Bulk in the box $10/bird
- Regular plastic bag $11/bird
- Vacum bag $12/bird
- Cutting and vacuuming add $5/bird
Laying hen delivery, slaughter, and processing:
- Bulk in the box $9/bird
- Regular plastic bag $10/bird
- Vacum bag $11/bird
Rooster delivery, slaughter, and processing:
- Bulk in the box $11/bird
- Regular plastic bag $12/bird
- Vacum bag $13/bird
Duck / Goose
Duck delivery, slaughter, and processing:
- Bulk in the box $13/bird
- Regular plastic bag $14/bird
- Vacum bag $15/bird
- Cutting and vacuuming $5/bird
Goose delivery, slaughter, and processing:
- Bulk in the box $16/bird
- Regular plastic bag $17/bird
- Vacum bag $18/bird
- Cutting and vacuuming $5/bird
Delivery, slaughter, and processing:
- Bulk in the box $20/bird and up
- Vacum bag $25/bird and up
- Cutting and vacuuming add $10/bird
Delivery, slaughter, and processing:
- Bulk in the box $11/rabbit
- Vacum bag $13/rabbit